Protection of Environmental Human Rights Defenders

We are working with activists and organizations facing harassment from government and multi-National companies who continue to marginalize people in the oil region of Bunyoro. We equally work with all Environmental human Rights Defenders working to protect our lakes Rivers and Forests.   With partners we apply legal empowerment strategies to enable local communities and indigenous communities defend the environment and land rights mainly the Extractive industry processes. We have run campaigns against sexual abuse and forced labor in gold mines in Uganda. In this program we mobilize funds and deploy the same to have defenders defended in courts of laws and challenge the perpetrators of Environmental Human Rights Both in national and international processes including courts.  

While doing these we have also been involved in empowering local civil society organizations including Community Based organizations (CBOs) to manage their security while doing their work as Environmental and Human rights Defenders (EHRDs). We have trained the communities including women and youth to carry out Advocacy to restore the oil affected people’s livelihoods through empowering them to understand the laws that are in their defense and their rights. All these are within our approach of making local communities and minorities and their organizations to be engaged in decision making processes.

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